Naruto Geography
The "Big Five Countries Ninja"; the lower right corner, clockwise: Land of Water, Land of Fire, Wind Country, the Country Land and Country Thunder.
The world of Naruto is split into several countries. A feudal lord controls each country, which are composed of several cities, where, in some, there are hidden villages where ninjas are trained. The most important countries are: Land of Fire, Land of Wind, Land of Earth, Water Country and Country Thunder.
In this list you will find the names, location, symbols and a brief summary of the hidden villages and countries that appear on the Naruto Anime.
main countries
Country Water
Main article: Land of Water
Land of Fire
Main article: Land of Fire
Country of the Earth
Main article: Country on Earth
Country Thunder
Main article: Country Thunder
Country of Wind
Main article: Land of Wind
Other countries and their ninja villages hidden
Waterfall Country
Symbol of the Village of Waterfall
Original name: Taki no Kuni
Hidden Village: Hidden Waterfall Village (Takigakure no Sato)
Leader: Unknown
Population: Kakuzu, Suien, Shibuki, Shizuku, Fuu.
The Hidden Waterfall Village is the hidden village of Cachoeira the country. The ninja of the village did not have a specific element, but have at their disposal a kind of water that often increases their power. It is considered one of the five great ninja villages. In this village there is a large tree that once every 100 years a loose one liter of water especially for them called the "Heroic Water." Who drinks his chakra increases 10 times but then dies. The Hidden Waterfall Village is surrounded by waterfalls and has many swamps.
Country of Heaven
Symbol of the Hidden Village of Heaven
Original Name: Sora no Kuni
Hidden Village: Soragakure no Sato (formerly). Fortress of Heaven or Ancor Vantin (now)
Leader: Shinnou
Population: Shinnou, all Sora-nins who attacked the Hidden Leaf Village.
There is a nation of flying ninjas, called Sora-nins that manipulate the chakra to fly, being a very respected people. Long ago, the Hidden Leaf Village destroyed the village's secret sky, inheriting the hatred of the people. Recently, it was completely extinguished, and his country in the past has been extinguished, leaving only Ancor Vantin, the flying fortress. Ancor Vantin Naruto destroyed, with the Rasengan of Determination, together with her, all Ninjas in Heaven and Reibi Menhiru.
Country Rain
Main article: Land of Rain
Symbol Rain Village
Original name: Ame no Kuni
Hidden Village: Hidden Village of Rain (Amegakure no Sato)
Leader: Daimyou (currently unknown, but the latter was Konan or Pain.
Population: Pain / Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, Aoi Rokusho, Oboro, Kagari, Mubi, Hanzou, Hisame, Murasame, Kirisame, Shigure, Midare, Baiu and Tezuna
It lies in the middle of the Grass Country and the Country of Wind and the extreme northeast is the Fire Country.
The Hidden Village of Rain (音 隠れ の 里 Amegakure no Sato?) Is a small village in the Rain Country, is situated on a rocky plain, misty rains which happen very often although some rare and beautiful, sunny days . Where the streets and their lands are very wet. Surrounded by a wall and a gate at the entrance (where all visitors, invaders and the like should be present). The population and very hospitable and has large and small ninja village who defend with their lives.
Most ninja assassins are ninjas of this village and have as a specific item based on the water, but use weapons with some frequency as needles and umbrellas. It is considered one of the five great ninja villages and therefore their leader does not have the right to be called Kage. The leader of Akatsuki is part of this village. In the Hidden Rain village has many iron bridges, buildings 1 km (quite devastated by rain and fog) and other things. Two teams of this village passed into the second phase of the examination Chunnin, was killed by the first and second defeated by Gaara Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Kabuto near the site of the final exam. The strength of this village ninja can say that is quite varied.
Land of Hot Springs
Symbol of Hot Springs Village
Release name: Yu in Kuni
Hidden Village: Hidden Village of Hot Springs (Yugakure no Sato)
Leader: Desconhecido.Mas has a feudal leader.
Population: Hidan (Nukenin). Defeated by Shikamaru Nara after the death of Asuma Sarutobi
The Land of Hot Springs is the country of origin of Hidan, the Hidden Village of Hot Springs was so peaceful and Hidan decided to leave the village. This country has been used several times by Jiraiya, Naruto and other characters in the drawing as a lot known Tsunade.Vários ninjas have been there to rest in its hot springs, so the country was growing with many tourists. Currently, most of its inhabitants took refuge in the Land of Fire, since this country is being used as a battleground for the Fourth World War.
Force Village
It is believed that the ninja of the village can use in Jouki Jutsu being surrounded by hot springs.
Country Grass
Original name: Kusa no Kuni
Hidden Village: Hidden Village of Grass (Kusagakure no Sato)
Leader: Fumakage.
Population: Shiori and his unnamed partner, Karin, and Fumakage Gakidou (The Third Pain, Circle of the Hungry Ghosts)
The Hidden Village of Grass is the country's hidden village of grass. it is located north of the Land of Fire and the south of the country on Earth, has the Hidden Village of Grass is not considered as one of the five great ninja villages. Six of its Gennins chagaram the second phase of Chunnin exam, a ninja named Shiore and his two partners, but when Sasuke fled from his presence, these three were attacked by Orochimaru for it to hide and fight with Sasuke, but without knowing were ninjas on the effect of the Shikon no jutsu, the Gennins of Kusagakure Shiore with no Sato returned to their original village.
Another three were Gennins Chunnin exam, but died while fighting gaara in the forest was morte.Karin this village before being caught by Orochimaru, she also participated in the Chunin exam Sasuke and saw him, did not fight with him. The Village of Grass is powerful ninja in his strength and his battles was never defeated. The country is rich in forests, consisting of about a giant mushroom or bamboo. The country also seems to have many rivers and desfiladeiros.Gakidou (The Third Pain, Circle of the Hungry Ghosts) was this village before being caught by Nagato.Nela he was not a ninja farmer who cultivated the land because of the wars alongside constantes.Batalhou Jiraiya of being a man several times the same confidence.
Bridge of Heaven and Earth
The bridge of heaven and earth is the country's Grama.Foi this bridge that met Naruto Uzumaki Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi with Haruno Sakura, Sai and Naruto Bridge Yamato.Nessa released the nine tails fox incorporating the 4th tail and a fighting Orochimaru intense battle that devastated part of a forest that was probably within the territory of the country Grama.O Orochimaru's lair despite being very near the same bridge is not within the territory of the country of grass, but the territory of the Country of Rice Fields Village Hidden in the Sound
Force Village
The strength of all its members was not shown. Only three Gennins: Shiore (Female) and his companions were not named. Shiore has not shown its strength, but has demonstrated an unusual speed in addition to being great in combos with kicks and socos.Podia easily dodge attacks inimigos.Seu face provoked fear in their victims, because their addition did not show a ironia.Apesar own ability . The companions were quick Shiore, of the Kimono had abnormal nails and hands as well (the nails were large and thin like a claw and the hand was wide scope for a higher attack), his nails could cut trees. The companion of the white rope has not shown its strength, but apparently had an unusual agility along with his white rope.
Country of the Moon
Original name: Getsu no Kuni
Hidden Village: Village Hidden Moon (Getsugakure no Sato)
Leader: Prince Michiru
Population: Prince Michiru, Ishidate, Kongou, Karenbana, Prince Hikaru, and Minister Shabadaba Amayo.
An unknown country, which appears in the 3rd Naruto movie. It is an island shaped like a crescent moon. The country is very rich because of the huge amount of tourists, as the case of an island has beautiful beaches where he always carries several tourists.
Country of the Mountain
Original name: Yama no Kuni
Hidden Village: Hidden Village of Hazelwood (Kagerogakure no Sato)
Leader: Unknown
Population: Gennou.
Appears in the filler episode 200. It is a village called Village Hidden Dragonfly thirty years war against Hidden Leaf Village, however, after a successful surprise attack, there was a peace agreement. However, two days after the country was attacked by other towns, who took advantage of the situation, leaving only one ninja, Gennou, who was on a mission to infiltrate the Leaf Village.
Whirlpool Country
Symbol of the Hidden Village of the Tourbillon
Original name: Uzu no Kuni
Hidden Village: Uzushiogakure no Sato (Hidden Village of the Tourbillon)
Leader: Unknown
Population: Uzumaki Clan.
The Whirlpool Country is the place that Jiraiya referred to as being the source of Uzumaki Kushina, the mother of Naruto Uzumaki. We do not have much information about this country, unless it was severely damaged during the Third Great Ninja War. Apparently the country no longer exists, however, Senju Tsunade believes the opposite. He had a covenant with the village as a ninja of the Leaf Village of the Tourbillon Senju Hashirama helped to seal the Kyuubi in itself in this Youko ninja Uzumaki Myth was because the inhabitants of the village had a large Whirlpool capacity of sealing techniques, then Uzumaki Myth became the first Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Youko and later married Hashirama Senju future that will have a son (a). But after Uzumaki Myth was a good old age, for the inhabitants of the village Whirlpool has a gift of a long life, a child was chosen to be the next Jinchuuriki, that child is Uzumaki Kushina had a special Chakra supplied the Kyuubi no Youko, Uzumaki Kushina was taken to the Leaf Village for the sealing. The Senju Clan and Clan Uzumaki were distant relatives and these links Vila Tourbillon and the Leaf Village that even today carries the symbol of swirl on the uniforms of the Leaf Village ninjas as a form of homage. Currently the Village Vortex is destroyed because other countries feared the great sealing power of the Uzumaki clan, but the survivors of the village spread around the globe.
'Uzushiogakure no Sato'
The hidden village located in the maelstrom of the Whirlpool Country it is the site of origin of Uzumaki Kushina, this village was severely affected in the last ninja war, is now destroyed.
Country of Rice Fields
Main article: Land of Rice Fields
Bear Country
Main article: Bear Country
Symbol of the Town of Star
Original name: Kuma no Kuni
Hidden Village: Village Hidden Star (in Sato Hoshigakure)
Leader: Hoshikage
Population: Sumaru, Akahoshi (Yondaime Hoshikage) Shisou, Yotaka, Natsuhi, Sandaime Hoshikage, Shodaime Hoshikage, Nindaime Hoshikage, Mizura and Hokuto.
Although not one of the five major towns, the Village Hidden Star has a leader who calls himself Kage. This is because the power of the village gives her fully able to take up a future title of great Vila.Há 200 years, a shooting star brought a strange power. This star or meteor freed a type of radiation that comes into contact with the chakra of someone, amplifies it. However, the more you use star power, the more a person is poisoned by radiation, may suffer cancer or other diseases. The first ninja to discover the power of the star was called Shodaime Hoshikage. The Shodaime Hoshikage created a training method with the star. The time was going and when the Sandaime Hoshikage was in power he realized the danger of training the star and decided to ban the training with her. His advisor was angry with that Akahoshi and killed Sandaime Hoshikage. Finally the star was destroyed by a Rasengan Naruto.
The ninja of the village to train with the star earned the radiative Forbidden Jutsus Peacock Star Radiativa.Tais as Kujaku Myouhou and its variations.
River Country
Original name: Kawa no Kuni
Hidden Village: Hidden Village of the Craftsman (Takumi no Sato)
Leader: Seimei (Before his death)
It was founded 100 years ago by a ninja named Seimei. The production was the strong arms of the Artisan Village, which distributed its products to all other ninja villages.
In tough times, asked for help in the top five countries that ignored the request, which harmed relations between the countries and towns. Seeking revenge, ninjas of this village go after the Shukaku's chakra, which lives inside Gaara. The purpose of these ninjas is to revive Seimei, the founder of the village. The base of the Akatsuki is located along the pathway that leads to the River Country This country appears in Episode 217-220 filler and also during the 1st season of Naruto Shippuden.
Time Shitenshounin
The objective of this group were to capture the Jinchuuriki Ichibi the Shukaku, Gaara of the Desert in order to use Shukaku Bijuu Chakra in order to revive Seimei with the sacrifice of their leader Jin so they could take revenge of the Five Great Nations.
Currently all members of Shitenshounin and founder dead are resurrected, and Suikon was the first to be killed by Gaara himself, was killed by Kyaku Temari and Shikamaru Nara, was killed by Ryugan Kankurou, Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru with Akimichi Chouji, since Jin sacrificed himself to bring back Seimei, was killed and this again, but this time for Gaara.
It is the team that was formed by four ninjas Takumi no Sato who used weapons created by the town itself in fighting ninjas:
Hoki (Leader) - It is apparently the leader of Shitenshounin and possibly the strongest, wore a special Sword of Takumi Village created by the founder himself, but the name of the sword is unknown, but became known as Sword of Fire Hoki, by using powerful Katon jutsus. Apparently it is the closest relative of Seimei and also the only one able to use all the weapons of the other members at the same time;
Hoki is the leader of the group who wanted to kidnap Gaara, Shitenshounin, is also one that carries Matsuri (Gaara's student), which was taken to serve as bait. Using Kekkai nobody - Gyakuun Roku in Jin he attacks Gaara let his sand getting destroyed. After his companions are defeated, Suikon, Kyaku, State Shitenshounin (unnamed), he turns into a valley, and is pursued by Gaara, followed by Naruto Uzumaki, and behind by Temari, Kankuro, Shikamaru Nara, Chouji Akimichi, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji, Aburame Shino, Rock Lee, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka with Akamaru and Kiba Inuzuka. Gaara then says cornered Hoki, Hoki, but reveals that Gaara was cornered by him, after Gaara was totally sand free (fused with his Chakra). Hoki then meets the special weapons of his companions: a Ryuuga Garian Tou (Member Shitenshounin unnamed), the Fujaku Hishou Shouken (Kyaku), and Mugen Kougai (Suikon) with his sword, the Sword of Fire Hoki. With the artifacts gathered launches powerful attacks on Gaara as Kujaku Senpuu, Attack Fire Sword Hoki, Garian Tou: that use the chakra Gaara Shukaku. Naruto appears and releases Matsuri, which was still attached, and tell your opponent that will be Hoki from now. Hoki at that time explained that he and his companions come to the village of Artisan (Tanuki no Sato), and that his goal is to revive the Ultimate Weapon of the village, and thus declare war with the Big Five Ninja Nations, also says that if the weapons his village is complete the world does not need more ninjas. Having said that attacks Naruto with Fire Sword Attack of Hoki, but Gaara using almost all his remaining Chakra protects Naruto Uzumaki, having done so Hoki triggers a dome of steel to hold Gaara before being completely sealed Gaara uses Daisan in me to see what happens outside the dome. So Hoki reveals that they want the Chakra Shukaku (which will be sucked into the dome) to revive Seimei, the founder of the Artisan Village and the Supreme Weapon village, and for this to occur Hoki offers his body and soul, dying to revive Seimei . Like his fellow Hoki also carries one of the best weapons forged in the Craftsman Village, and its a black sword with a green sphere, which is located almost at the tip of the sword. This sword has the power to hurl blasts of fire. Unlike the swords of his companions, the Hoki does not have an official name.
Kujaku - was also a relative of Seimei, also the only woman on the team of Shitenshounin, has an ego like it hard to underestimate their opponents, wore a special sword of Takumi Village, the Fujaku Hishou Shouken who performed powerful Fuuton jutsus.
As Hoki, Suikon (and another member name unknown), is part of Shitenshounin, which aimed to capture Gaara to revive Seimei, The Ultimate Weapon of the Artisan Village.
It is a user of the wind (Fuuton), with its crossed swords behind the body can generate a wind that floats, is the first to attack the group of Gaara (Sand brothers), but seeing that a user is Kujaku wind Temari proseguirem sends Kankurou and Gaara. During the struggle of two users of wind, there is an exchange of powerful attacks of wind, but Temari spends more than Kujaku Chakra. After Kujaku use Gaeshi Kaze, Temari falls unconscious when Kujaku Senmoufuu would use to end Temari, Shikamaru Nara (which appears to help) uses his Kage Mane no Jutsu to deflect the attack Temari, Ino Yamanaka is also there to help (but does not help). Kujaku now launches its Kaze Kiri the three, who are preparing to fight back, but now Kujaku receives the signal to use Hoki nobody Kekkai - Gyakuun Roku in Hoki. Having realized this Jutsu. Kujaku only get to keep a safe distance from Sambra of Nara Shikamaru, and Temari attacks. Temari launches an attack on the waterfall, which was behind Kujaku, Shikamaru Nara able to stretch his shadow and use the Kage Mane no Jutsu, and this is done Temari uses her Kuchiyose no Jutsu Ninpou • Kiri Kiri in May, thus finishing the fight. As Hoki, Suikon, and other components of Shitenshounin, Kujaku arfato also has a special Artisan Village, as in the case of Hoki your device (gun) is a sword: Fujaku Hishou Shouken (Short Flying Swords) - are two small turquoise sword blade, and a green in ball cable (only one sword). These swords respond to attack by wind and allow the wind to turn freely, and also boosts the power to the fullest, spending the least amount of Chakra.
Suikon - The largest member of the group, which is apparently the most resistant, unlike others, did not use a special weapon but a special armor designed by Takumi village, the Mugen Kougai who had the power to absorb large amounts of chakra, the only weapon used a boom that became known as the Suikon Houko;
Suikon is a member of the group aimed to capture Gaara, the Shitenshounin. Suikon appears to be the largest holder of physical strength Shitenshounin. Jin tells him to set an ambush for Gaara, who was chasing, and then take you to Jin. Gaara tries to use the Sabuka Kyuu, but no effect due to the fact Suikon have sucked the Chakra that was mixed with sand Sabuka Kyuu. While the support staff of Temari, Kankurou had already arrived, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Rock Lee were on their way to help Gaara. Gaara launches a counterattack in Suikon, grabbing the tip of the rod Suikon and making him turn quickly in the air, then releasing it, causing falls heavily to the ground. At that time nobody gets Gaara Kekkai - Gyakuun Roku in Jin and thus wear out the sand, trying to fight with Rock Lee Suikon Mugen Kougai but due to the fight is difficult, Naruto tries surprises him from behind, but do not blow your has an effect due to Kougai Mugen, Sakura Haruno Icha uses his ninjutsu to heal the wounds of Gaara, which rises and the sand from his Suna no Yoroi creates a pile that is thrown in breast Suikon, thus finishing the fight.
Like his fellow Shitenshounin, Suikon artifact has a special Village Craftsman, but unlike Jin in Kyaku, and another member; Suikon not have a sword but as an artifact armor, the Mugen Kougai, this armor is similar the face of a white tiger with open mouth, for that mouth Suikon can absorb the chakra of his opponents. As a weapon of attack, Suikon has a kind of spear (stick), which has a moving part at the tip, and that there is a cube with edge spines on each side.
Ryugan - is the most perverse and Shitenshounis of new, used a special sword created by Takumi Village, the Ryuuga Garian Tou could turn to when having three dragon reaction to his chakra or the enemy;
Ryugan is the newest in Shitenshounin, his name is Ryugan. When Kankuro and Gaara were almost alcaçando Hoki, leading Matsuri attached to his back, he prevents them from proceeding, calling them to fight, Kakuro Garian Tou after receiving notice that the parts are moved by a thin steel cable (Case like a snake that Kankuro had bamboo in its infancy), having realized that tells Gaara to proceed. Kankuro did not know that Ryuuga Garian Tou reacts to Chakra and amplifies then receives the Attack of the Dragon Head, and the second attack has his puppet, Karasu, destroyed. Kankuro unable to use any of his puppets (Karasu and Kuroari), was at the mercy of attacks Ryugan when Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru (transformed into a white wolf with two heads by Inuzuka Ryuu: Juujin Konbi Henge • Soutourou) for use Garouga repel the attack of the Dragon Head, Chouji Akimichi also appears to help. But the help of Akimichi Chouji, Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru is not being very helpful, because they are not in harmony, each canceling the other attacks. When Ryugan was about to attack them with Triple Attack Head Dragon, it receives the signal from Jin, and then plunges his sword into the ground to run nobody Kekkai - Gyakuun Roku in Jin, after having done so continues the fight, attacking four with Triple Attack Head Dragon, but now in sync Kiba Inuzuka, Akamaru Akimichi Chouji and Kankurou to use a combination of his Jutsus, Kankurou to finish the fight with the Karakuri Engeki • Kurohigi Nihatsu Kiki. Ryuuga Garian tou (Garian Imperial Sword) - A blue sword like a trident, with a green sphere in the cable. Can expadir its three blades and moves them in any direction, because its parts are attached by a thin steel cable. That sword reacts to Chakra and amplifies, causing blades to gain the form of dragon heads.
Jin First Appearance: Jin had his first appearance when Naruto was fighting in waterfall stone stuck Valley of the Death Note against Sasuke. Nicknames: Jin is called by his fellow team Toramaru, he was always a good singer and out of the closet at age 10, left home and never returned. Jin is the son of Orochimaru with Kabuto being that he was a girl. Apparently the leader of the group who wanted to kidnap Gaara, Shitenshounin, is also one that carries Matsuri (Gaara's student), which was taken to serve as bait. Using Kekkai nobody - Gyakuun Roku in Jin he attacks Gaara let his sand getting destroyed. After his companions are defeated, Suikon, Kyaku, State Shitenshounin (unnamed), he turns into a valley, and is pursued by Gaara, followed by Naruto Uzumaki, and behind by Temari, Kankuro, Shikamaru Nara, Chouji Akimichi, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji, Aburame Shino, Rock Lee, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka with Akamaru and Kiba Inuzuka. Gaara then says cornered Jin, but Jin reveals that Gaara was cornered by him, after Gaara was totally sand free (fused with his Chakra). He then meets the special weapons of his companions: a Ryuuga Garian Tou (Member Shitenshounin unnamed), the Fujaku Hishou Shouken (Kyaku), and Mugen Kougai (Suikon) with his sword, the Sword of Fire Jin. With the artifacts gathered launches powerful attacks on Gaara as Kujaku Senpuu, Attack Fire Sword of Jin Tou Garian; to use the chakra Gaara Shukaku. Naruto appears and releases Matsuri, which was still attached, and tells Jin that his opponent will be from now on. Jin explains that when he and his companions come to the village of Artisan (Tanuki no Sato), and that his goal is to revive the Ultimate Weapon of the village, and thus declare war with the Big Five Ninja Nations, also says that if the weapons his village is complete the world does not need more ninjas. Having said that attacks Naruto with Fire Attack Sword of Jin, but Gaara using almost all his remaining Chakra protects Naruto Uzumaki, having done so Jin drives a steel dome to hold Gaara before being completely sealed Gaara uses Daisan in me to see what happens outside the dome. So Jin reveals that they want the Chakra Shukaku (which will be sucked into the dome) to revive Seimei, the founder of the Artisan Village and Ultimate Weapon of the village, and for this to occur Jin offers his body and soul, dying to revive Seimei . Like his fellow Jin also carries one of the best weapons forged in the Craftsman Village, and its a black sword with a green sphere, which is located almost at the tip of the sword. This sword has the power to hurl blasts of fire. Unlike the swords of his companions, Jin does not have an official name.
Seimei (Real Leader) - Founder of Takumi no Sato, who was resurrected after 100 years to take revenge of the Big Five Nations that did not help when needed, can use all weapons at once, and Hoki.
Seimei is the founder of the Artisan's Village, was revived by Shitenshounin, to become the ultimate weapon of the Artisan Village, after returning to life takes three swords: Fujaku Hishou Shouken, Ryuuga Garian Tou, and Sword of Jin, and armor : Mugen kougai; making these special artifacts of the Artisan Village to combine (merge) in a strange way. Naruto attacks but is easily repelled by Seimei, then Naruto jumps on the bubble created by Jin to destroy it, to free Gaara who was trapped inside, but is attacked by a Senmoufuu, but still not Naruto Uzumaki give up at that time Gaara begins his transformation into Shukaku, Seimei now uses the Attack Fire Sword of Jin in Naruto Uzumaki, followed by another and a Senmoufuu Garian Tou and finally Goukuhou, leaving Naruto unconscious, meanwhile Seimei Sucks Chakra Shukaku, Naruto Uzumaki wakes up and asks why Seimei wants so much to save Gaara, what he means, he replies that Naruto Gaara is a great companion your heard it Seimei uses the Triple Attack Head Dragon, but this Matsuri is prevented by the gun Gaara, his teacher, had given him, but doing so is attacked by Seimei. Gaara has just choose the shape of the releasing Shukaku (right half face and the right arm) and the dome is released, but still only Seimei control at that time can get there Temari Kankuro, Shikamaru Nara, Chouji Akimichi, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji, Aburame Shino, Rock Lee, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka with Akamaru and Kiba Inuzuka. Gaara can take control over Shukaku, arresting and returning to normal processing, Gaara uses Ryuusa Bakuryuu turning the stones around in sand, dashing Seimei, but this uses Kujaku Senpuu Sen and exits the bottom of the sand. Gaara uses Saikyou Zettai Hougeki - Shukaku in Houkou and after hitting Seimei uses Sabaku Taisou, thus finishing the fight.
Temujin lived in a non-ninja village in the countryside of rivers, until it was attacked by Haidou and his army, who was looking Gelel Stone, a mineral that strengthens the Chakra, after a while, Temujin joins to them, after SOME encounters and battles with Naruto Uzumaki, Temujin finds Haidou destroyed his village and help solve the ninja of Hidden Leaf Village, he is defeated by Haidou, who was in the form of a monster, thanks to help and Stone Gelel Naruto, creating the Rasengan Gelel Iwa, which defeats Haidou, Temujin decides to travel the world and promises Naruto that they will see again. Temujin has the power of the Gelel stone in the body, increasing your Chakra, with this power, he can use some jutsu Raiton (The Stone Gelel influecia the user to use Raiton element) with mastery (One of his techniques come to rival the Rasengan Naruto), and is a good swordsman).
País da Neve
Name: Yuki no Kuni
Hidden Village: Hidden Village of Snow (Yukigakure no Sato)
Leader: Kuyuke Kazahana
Led by a feudal lord, the land of snow is presented in the first Naruto movie. The country's original heir is the Princess Kuyuke Kazahana.Este country is very technologically advanced compared to other countries and towns of the anime. The ninjas from this area use the chakras-armor, which increases the chakra within the body and leave them immune to certain ninjutsus and genjutsus. Later it is known as the Land of Spring.
Force Village
As already stated ninjas in this area still use special chakra armor that makes them immune to theoretically and ninjutsus genjutsus. They use the Hyouton (Ice Element), but only because they are surrounded by it. Use the snow, ice and even the humidity as an attack. But there are also soldiers, ordinary people do not use the chakras-armor, and who are loyal to the clan Kazahana.
Country Key
Name: the Jomae sato
Karurezato: Hidden Village of the Lock
Leader: Unknown
inhabitants: Hanare
It is a small village engaged in espionage from other villages to obtain advantages for yourself in agreement, therefore, probably have their ninjas jutsus powerful espionage. In espisódio filler 191, Naruto Shippuden, a ninja named Hanare tried to invade the village of Hidden Leaf Village to gain information, but was stopped by ANBU and was taken to the Intelligence Division of the Leaf Village to be interrogated. In the middle of the interview she gets the necessary information would be exchanged for a ninja of the Leaf Village has been taken hostage, but Kakashi discovers his plan and after a long conversation he gains the sympathy of Hanare, who ran away to walk the world . She later reappears in Leaf Village again, after the destruction of same by Pain.
Land of Frost
Name: the Shimogakure sato
Karurezato: Hidden Village of Frost
Leader: Daymio
inhabitants: Daymio
The Land of Frost was presented in the manga series Naruto, little is known about this country and its inhabitants. It is believed that the name is a country that has a mild climate and well-defined seasons, with frequent frosts. One of the few people mentioned it is their leader, Daymio. Although it is not certain, probably this country has a Hidden Village Ninja (Hidden Village of Frost - Shimogakure no Sato) because its inhabitants (possibly ninjas), presenting a kind of bandana, the symbol for your country.
Country Wood
Original name: Hayashigakure sato in (probably)
Karurezato: Hidden Village of the Wood
Leader: Unknown Daymio
inhabitants: Unknown
The Country of Wood appears only once in the series Naruto, when Danzou, then Hokage, and his bodyguards Fu and Torune directed to the Land of Iron for the meeting of the five Kage, when they are suddenly attacked by remnants of the Group Shadow Clan Hannya. The Clan Hannya, it seems, was part of some group ninja (ANBU) Country Madeira annihilated by Hidden Leaf Village, implying that this country in the past would have a hidden village, probably called the Village Hidden Madeira ( Hayashigakure in Sato). The members of the clan were killed by Danzou Hannya, not the evidence for other members of the clan or other hidden ninja of this village.
Land of Iron
Original name: Samui no Kuni
Leader: Mifune
Appears in episode 456 of the manga at a meeting of Kage, a country very cold and snowy, it is a neutral country with culture and private authority, and a large military force. The country is formed by three mountains called three wolves. There are no ninjas in it, instead there protecting the samurai. This originally is considered the country of the iron (it is said in the same volume of the manga, volume 456).
Country Vegetable
Original name: In no Kuni
Leader: Feudal Lady Haruna
Population: Haruna, Yurinojou, Momiji, Kikunojou.
Naruto, Hinata and Chouji were sent to this country to escort a convoy, not realizing that Haruna was with the convoy as he was fleeing from the Three Brothers Criminals who took control of the country with the help of employees who were massacred after the completion of the coup. Ms. Haruna becomes Feudal after Naruto, Hinata and Chouji get rid of the brothers. This country appears in the filler episode 187.
Land of the Demons
Original name: Oni no Kuni
Population: Shion, Wellker Tahuro, Suzuki, Miroku.
Appears only in the fourth Naruto movie. His appearance is when Naruto takes Shion to a small shrine in order to seal a demon that aims at destroying the world.
Country Honey
Original name: Mitsu no Kuni
Country where the Lady Kaio returned, but she suddenly disappeared in the country's neck. Later she and her guards are saved by Naruto, Hinata and Kiba. This country appears in the filler episode 194.
Land of Red Beans
Name: An no Kuni
Population: Feudal Lady Kaio
The Lady Kaio was returning to this country, when it disappeared. Probably it is the Feudal Lady of this country. It is mentioned in the filler episode 194.
Land of the Neck
Original name: Kubisaki no Kuni
Leader: Kubusaki Kouza (Former Leader)
Population: Clan Kubisaki.
Country with the mountains Kubisaki. There is the ruins of the castle of Clan Kubisaki. 50 years ago the leader Kubisaki Kouza due to the onslaught of enemies, cast a creature that became the castle and murdered all who come to the outskirts of the ruins of the castle and entered there. This creature was sent back when Naruto destroyed the contract making him disappear. This country appears in the filler episode 194.
Country of Claws
Original name: Tsume no Kuni
The Claws of the country is mentioned in the filler episode 177. The Lord Mayor of this country wrote a letter of reconciliation to the Lord Mayor of the country of Prisoners, but this letter was replaced by a perverted story that he wrote while Naruto and Jiraiya Ninja Messenger slept 596-03 (Messengers Ninjas are ninjas who risk their lives to make delivery) was taking the letter perverted the Lord Mayor of the country of Prisoners. The letter of reconciliation was being sent to the editor of the books of Jiraiya. He and Naruto can stop the 463-72 and take a letter of reconciliation and then go to the Country of the Prisoners, but in the end everything ends well, for the Lord Mayor of the country Presas liked the Naruto story that he wrote and everything was fine.
Country of Prisoners
Original name: Kiba no Kuni
The Country of Prey is a small country. The Lord Mayor of that country was expecting a guy from the country's Feudal Lord of Claws, and received the letter he wrote the series of Naruto Jiraiya-called Icha Icha, and liked (For a fan of the series) and stood for peace with the Lord Mayor Claws of the country. Appears in the filler episode 177.
Country Pasta
Original name: Udon no Kuni
Population: Princess Fuku, Chikara
The only thing you know about this country is that Chikara (The beloved Fuku) comes from there. This country is mentioned in the filler episode 192.
Country of the Sea
Original name: Umi no Kuni
The Country Ocean consists of four islands (Tarojima, Jirojima, Kikaijima and main Hahajima). It has natural protection from the sea and is an ally of the Water Country. Tsunade told Anko, Naruto, Ino, and Shino to perform the escort of a navigation and eliminate Kaima (A sea monster that was destroying vessels). Once there they take a boat and go toward Hahajima, but are intercepted by Yoroi and Misumi Tsurugi Akado (subordinates of Orochimaru) and Naruto faints after his Chakra drained by Yoroi Akado, but is saved by Isaribi (A girl who survived the a series of disappearances on the island of Kikaijima) and therefore, when he returned to Hahajima, was discriminated against by all. After they capture Kaima, but Naruto is Isaribi see it, and then she escapes. Amid this will faint because of Anko the curse mark. Anko and the three go toward Kikaijima (Where is one of Orochimaru's hideouts) Isaribi to save (which was the victim of one of his experiments and was being blackmailed by Amachi). There Shino fighting with Yoroi Akado, but he escapes and they discover that Orochimaru was no longer on the island and that whoever was behind it was Amachi (a medical ninja working for Orochimaru). Misumi Tsurugi uses an explosive seal and the island begins to crumble. Amachi, Isaribi Yoroi and Misumi Tsurugi Akado escape and is still more buried alive. Anko and his team escape too. Navigating the Time Anko should hold the escort fell into the trap of thinking that Amachi and depart Kaima is dead. In the middle of the trip ends with Yoroi Akado navigation. Time comes and Anko Yoroi Akado fight with Shino, Anko fight with Amachi, but ends up fainting. After that fight with Naruto and Amachi relies on the Master of the Sea uses the power of Naruto and Kyuubi wins Amachi. Then he summons Gamabunta and destroying the Master of the Sea Meanwhile Shino wins Yoroi Akado it disappears into the water. Anko goes to Jirojima and remembers it when Orochimaru placed the cursed seal. Then they return to the Hidden Leaf Village with Isaribi. This country appears in the filler episode 169.
Amachi: Orochimaru terrorized the people of this country of the Ocean, and kidnapped citizens for their mortal experiences (including Isaribi), which included making the ultimate ninja underwater for Orochimaru. He ordered Isaribi to attack ships, promising to return it to its normal shape, but really intended to dissect since it was no longer of use. He also seemed to know Anko Mitarashi well because Orochimaru was at the time. Later in the country of the Ocean, Akado Yoroi and Misumi Tsurugi joined him as bodyguards and assistants. He planned to steal gold from a ship coming in, and manipulated in Isaribi attack him. It was also revealed that he planned to use their experiences to get revenge on Orochimaru, who canceled the project ninja underwater due to loss of interest. In the final confrontation with Anko, Naruto, Ino Yamanaka, and Shino Aburame, he termed the Umibozu indestructible and, later transformed into a form Kaima complete. He was defeated by Naruto when he used kyuubi chakra and was captured by Anko's team. After capture, he mentioned that he knew a way to cure Isaribi, and had planned to dissect it when she was no longer useful. Naruto grew enraged and tried to attack him, but Anko stopped just slug Amachi itself.
Land of Waves
Original name: Nami no Kuni
It is a poor country. An isolated island that has hired the services of the Leaf Village, conducted by Team Kakashi, which accompany a gentleman named Tazuna to his homeland. The economy has declined when a businessman named Gatou monopolized the import and export industry and took over the country. During his escort mission, Team Kakashi faced a much more complicated task of Rank A, in which they had to fight very skilled ninja.
In the end, the bridge Tazuna tried to build long again to enable the coming and going of products was completed with the help of team ninja Zabuza and Kakashi.
Tazuna built his bridge in the Land of Waves after the defeat Zabuza Momochi and his partner Haku Koori by ninjas of Hidden Leaf Village (Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Kakashi Hatake leader Jounnin) on a mission. In tribute to the bravery of Naruto Uzumaki, Tazuna put the name of the bridge The Great Naruto Bridge.
In Episode 115 of Naruto Shippuden, Sasuke and Suigetsu, passed the Land of Waves to find the sword of Zabuza Momochi (Zambatou).
After the invasion of Pain, Tazuna, Inari and other waves of the country came to help in the reconstruction of the Hidden Leaf Village.
Tazuna was a humble bridge builder, that to save the honor and commerce of his country, the Country of the Wave, he began building a bridge, thus being a stumbling block for Gatou a great millionaire who dominated and terrorized the country . Tazuna asks that the ninjas of the Hidden Leaf Village escort until the end of the bridge. It was soon discovered that the mission was a higher level to genins, but even so, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and their sensei, Kakashi Hatake, accomplish the mission, taking Gatou domain that land, and we all went back to doing courage.
Gatou Company owns the transport Gatou, but behind the scenes takes drugs and other illegal products to other cities and países.Dominou the Land of Waves, but was prevented by Tazuna, who was building a bridge that would end up with your company and its empire, and their protectors ninja, Team Kakashi: The genins Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, and Kakashi Jounin Hatake.Quase the leader and won the ninja fugitives from Kiri, the Village Hidden in the Mist, the Country Water but could not prevent the construction of the bridge Tazuna, and was killed by Zabuza.
Inari is a boy who lives in the Land of Waves and share with others living the dream that their village can return to what has gone before. From childhood, Inari has always been a kid scared and hopeless. Until the day he met a fisherman abroad, who married tsunamii, his mother taught him to never give up and fight with all our strength to protect those he loves. Over time, this stranger came to be recognized as a hero in the village due to his bravery, and Inari came to see him as a father. Unfortunately, tragedy struck again and Inari eventually lost their hopes. By the time he meets Naruto (who was escorting his grandfather to the village), which makes you remember what is courage in asking about Naruto Shippuden Sasuke reappears and helps reenconstruir attack Konoha after Pain
Waraji and Zouri are samurai bodyguard Gatou. They, like samurai, specializes in spades. He got a taste for cutting objects, people and animals, so he does almost all the time, making it more powerful with the sword every day. Even with all that power with swords they can also be very distracted because they fell in Kage bunshin no jutsu from Naruto.
Tsunami is the daughter of Tazuna, the great constructor of bridges, and mother of Inari, and was married to Kaiza. It would be kidnapped by Zori and Waraji, samurai hired by Gatou to use it as a hostage to Tazuna cancel the construction of the bridge. Inari tries to stop, but Tsunami offers and goes. Naruto appears and manages to save her.
Country Swamp
Original name: In no Kuni
Population: Lord Mayor Chichiatsu
Country Anko Mitarashi which was returning from a mission, which should be done escorting the Lord Mayor Chichiatsu. It is mentioned in the filler episode 152.
Country Bird
Original name: Tori no Kuni
Leader: Feudal Lady Toki
Population: Koumei, Lord Mayor Oowashi, Toki, Sagi, Chishima, Mousou (attached).
It is a distant country that requested services to Hidden Leaf Village via Chishima for the mission to eliminate a ghost that has haunted the capital called Noroimusha. For that Tsunade sent Naruto, Neji and Tenten's Country Bird. The capital of this country extends along the lake Wataridori, clear water and green. It is a peaceful city. His former Lord Mayor Oowashi died suddenly. Then his son Sagi takes the throne. Shortly after her sister dies Toki Noroimusha and since then has haunted the capital. At first Naruto, Neji and Tenten thought Koumei (A counselor who ran the place for Lord Mayor) was Noroimusha, but were mistaken, because the ghost was real Toki (Sagi What was disguised because Toki was alive and who had died Sagi was) who was seeking revenge for the death of his brother. Logos after they discover who was behind the murder was Mousou Oowashi and Sagi (a town councilor, leader of a group called Watari Ninja) that intended to kill Toki later to become the Lord Mayor. But in the end Naruto defeat Mousou Toki and apologizes for masquerade as Sagi and becomes Mrs. Feudal. Appears in the filler episode 162.
Country Rock
Original name: Ishi no Kuni
Population: Gosunkugi (attached), Sazanami Toukishi, gatsu.
The Country Rock is formed by rocks and hills, no vegetation. It is ruled by a priest. There appeared a thief named Gosunkugi, who is wanted for killing people to steal. He was being hunted by Sazanami (A bounty hunter who took the guilt of a crime Gosunkugi). Naruto, Hinata and Kiba, won the mission to capture Gosunkugi, but in the end, he is captured by Sazanami. After gatsu (Another bounty hunter) Sazanami helps to clear his name. Appears in the filler episode 159.
Country Valley
Original name: Tanima no Kuni
Population: Nanafushi.
The only thing I know is that Nanafushi (Inhabitant of that country) tried to find secret information on the Hidden Leaf Village, disguising herself, but took ill and was arrested. This country is mentioned in the filler episode 193.
Country Kinnin
Name: no Kuni Kinnin
The Country Kinnin is quoted in a filler arc, between episodes 136-141. In the history of the country's rice fields, now called the Land of Sound, went to war with the country Kinnin. The military forces of the country of rice fields were led by Fuuma clan. The Country Kinnin has a large army and defeated the invaders at the time of the country's rice fields. There is no concrete evidence that this country has ninjas in his army and they form a village hidden Kinnin the country was no longer mentioned in history.
Country of Sand
Original name: Suna no Kuni
Population: Unknown
The Land of Sand is governed by an apparently famous Daymio. There is no record about its exact location as its geography, but due to his name, I assume that is located next to the Wind Country, surrounded by desert and with the population concentrated around water sources. The Land of Sand is mentioned in a filler episode, this episode spoofs Gennou twice a letter of recommendation written by the Country of Sand Daymio to access the Hidden Leaf Village. Recently disclosed to the synopsis of the seventh Naruto movie (The Lost Tower), the country of sand, it seems, is the country where the story unfolds.
Country Swamp
Original name: Sawa no Kuni
The Country of the swamp appears to be formed by mountains with no vegetation, and some flat areas, with nothing to say about its geography. This country appears in the episode filler 195.Maito Gai, ninja of Hidden Leaf Village passed through this country on a mission with Genshou (who was disguised as a ninja named Yagura). Genshou is one of three brothers Ryuudoin, the second is named if the third Rokkaku called Jako. These ninjas use techniques with puppets and were trying to avenge the death of his father, Agira (Gai A ninja who fought in the past). In the end they discover that their father did not want revenge and yes, they were dignified and honorable ninjas with his words. There is no mention or indication that the brothers Ryuudoin have been or are still inhabitants of the Swamp Country.
Country Tea
Original name: Cha no Kuni
Population: Ohmasa, Idate Morino, Wasabi Jirochou and family, family Kyuuroku Wagarashi Wagarashi, Hikyakuya Fukusuke, Gokaroh Minister Daymio and Daymio.
The Country Tea is governed by a Daymio, Lord Mayor, name unknown, this country appears first in the series Naruto in an arc of filler episodes. The country's tea, it seems, is made up of plains, forests and open fields, as the country's name implies, although does not appear in the series, the main activity in this country is the production and manufacture of tea. The arc of fillers in which the Land of Tea is presented focuses on a city, a city that has the economic and political power divided into two families, families and Wasabi Wagarashi. Previously the leadership contest in the city was resolved on the basis of the war, but to prevent massacres was resolved, with the agreement and proposed by Daymio that every time a race would decide the family exercise the power for such period time. There are not many rules for the race, except that they must have only one row per family, the lack of rules allows the hiring ninjas to escort the runners and also to prevent the running of the family opposing ends or win the race. The road race takes as its starting point in the Port of Degarashi Country Tea, runners leave their country and cross by boat to reach the island of Nagi, more precisely in the Temple of Modoroki, where they should get some sort of ball Crystal ball such that runners should take up outa the island, the island of O'uzu, Time Todoroki, first come first served and the crystal ball intact won the leadership of the city. The islands of Nagi and O'uzu are connected by a suspension bridge. The current leaders of this city is the Wasabi family, the family was Wagarashi desconstituída Daymio by that country after numerous trapassas performed in competitions. Apparently the city, possibly Degarashi, where the family lives and rules Wasabi and lived and ruled the extinct family Wagarashi is an important city in the Land of Tea. The islands O'uzu Nagi and not part of the country's tea, apparently.
Country Forest
Original name: Mori no Kuni
Population: Gansetsu, Akio, Shura Sanjura, Todoroki, Monju, Toki and suzumi
The Forest Country is constuido, mostly by forests, such as your own name says, which makes the river atavessa this country the main, if not the only access to your capital. The forests of this country are very dense and is very easy to get lost in them, which may be aggravated as a few days of the year, a phenomenon called Mayoimori happens, where a thick fog covers the forest day and night, the fog makes it impossible to orietação by the sun, stars or apparatus. It is said that the person is lost in these woods and never found not to know the output. Being a difficult place to reach the criminal group Shinobazu, taking advantage of it, built his hiding place in these forests. The Forest Country appears in an arc of filler episodes, these episodes Gansetsu, Shinobazu member of the criminal group was arrested and taken to the capital of that country, the other members of Shinobazu, among them Sanjura Shura, Monju and Toki try to release it without much success, to kill him soon after, for treason Finally, with the help of ninja Hidden Leaf Village, and Todoroki Gansetsu soldier responsible for escorting the criminal to defeat Shinobazu. Currently Gansetsu and their children, those children who were saved from death during lab crimes, and in which he stole supplies and money from his former group for your needs, why it was condemned to death by Shinobazu live in one of the numerous forest Country Forest. One of the children is Akio, Todoroki's brother in which it was thought to be dead, but as seen alive. The Forest Country has a Daymio as leader, his name is unknown.
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